Red Winged Black Bird Singing His Summer Song
High above me in this tree.

One little Goldfinch sitting in a tree
Looking as pretty as can be.
As He looks down
I wonder what do you see
besides me,
perched way up in that tree?
Written by Dianne dsphotocats

Seems He is following me, posed for another picture
I have wanted to capture one of these for a very long time. And today he flew into my path.
I prayed God would Bless me and He did.
I believe God can and does use His Creation to Bless those who’s heart is open to see and hear, not only creation, but the Creator Himself.

Queen Anne’s Lace is one of my favorite Wildflowers
Dainty and oh so Pretty is she.
I like how she stands out in her surroundings.

What a pleasant surprise as this Beautiful Butterfly
Fluttered by me and Landed long enough
for me to take this photo.
If anyone knows the name of this Butterfly please let me know.
He leads me beside still waters
He restores my soul.
Words from Psalm 23.
That is what came to mind as I looked into the pond and saw this Water Lilly, and her reflection in the still waters.
Maybe you look at this photo and see something totally different , and that is fine too.
I hope that by looking at these photos , and reading this blog, you will be Blessed .
Hope to find you all well and enjoying the seasons of life where ever you may dwell. May you see the Beauty beyond whatever circumstances you may face in this life.
May God reveal Himself to you as you seek Him, and Bless You beyond measure.
Sincerely Dianne :)
P.S If you click on each photo you will be able to see a bigger photo.
Dianne © dsphotocats