
Thursday, June 17, 2010

When Things Go Wrong



When things go wrong as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low, and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit -

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;

And you never tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar.

So stick to the fight when your hardest hit-

It is when things go wrong That you must not quit.

---Author Unknown



IMG_5501 Bleeding Hearts



When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm. 61:2

When you become a Christian, it doesn’t mean that you will live on a perpetual  “high”. The Psalmist David went down to the very depths, and so did the Apostle Paul. But in the midst of all circumstances God’s grace, peace, and joy are there. The tears will still come, the pressures will be felt, and so will the temptations. But there is a new dimension,  a new direction and a new power in life to face the circumstances in which you live.

David and Paul , in the Bible have given me the example of trusting You, Lord even in the excruciating valleys of life. Like them , I praise You.


Hope to find you all well. Have a wonderful day.

xx’s Dianne :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

6 Little Cygnets Riding Piggyback



IMG_3349_ Riding Piggyback

8TH Day On The Water (May 26/2010)


This is a dream shot I never thought I would have the pleasure of capturing. This was one of those times when I had just got off work , went home and grabbed my camera and packed dinner that my hubby had so lovingly made for me.

It was a little past 6 o’clock in the evening. The swan family had just come back from a long afternoon on the Bay and the cygnets got a free ride home, back to the nest. They had just come back from about 3 kilometres away. This was the cygnets 8th day on the water and if you notice, sadly there are only 6 out of 8. The cygnets have many predators. Turtles is one of the main concerns as they pull the young ones under the water and they end up drowning. If you see a swan stirring up mud  and stomping its feet in the water, grunting , growling and hissing you know there is something in the water that is a threat to their young. If they can the parents will kill its prey. I saw and heard this on occasion. It is not a pretty sight. As loving and affectionate as these swans can be to their young, they can also be vicious and deadly to anything that threatens them.


IMG_3386_6 Little Cygnets on the 8th Day

Dinner Time Under The Tree Canopy (May 26/2010)

This picture was taken just to the right of where I was standing. Their nest is just across from where they were having their dinner.


I have grown to love these swans and they seem to like me. Tonight after work I went to check on them and when I finally found them, I called out to them in a low soft voice and to my surprise they came swimming up to me. I sat quietly on a rock and they came within 4 feet of me. It was as if they were saying hello and where have you been. This is the first I have seen them since last Saturday. They proudly showed me their 4 young ones. Yes, you heard me correctly. There are now only 4 cygnets left. They stayed close by for quite some time and then suddenly the cob grunted, growled and hissed at something it saw in the water. The Pen and the cygnets left immediately and the Cob followed them to safety from what ever they saw in the water.

I did have my little camera with me and took a couple of short videos that I will post at some point. But for now I will end this update with one more picture that was taken after they had come back close to the nest. They had dinner under this tree and then headed back to the nest for the night.

I noticed that now they wonder farther away, and only go back to the nest to rest a few times during the day and at night around 9 P.M. I know that one of these days I will head down and they might be gone or who knows, maybe they will stay at least till fall.


Well I hope you enjoyed this update.  I would like to dedicate this blog to all my blogger friends. You all have a special place in my heart.

God be with you all.

Hugs!!!  Dianne ( dsphotocats )

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