
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best Wishes for 2009

December 31

Best Wishes For 2009

I want to thank you all for your friendship and all that you have added to my life through your wonderful and unique Blogs, this past year.

I am not sure where this new year will take us or the world. We live in a fast moving world where things can change very quickly for the good or the not so good. I am an Optimist at heart and I do look for God's Beauty in His Creation that surrounds me each and every day. I see the good and I see the bad in this world but I try to live my life by Faith, Hope and Love, and that is what I pray for each one of you, as we continue this journey of life. May we all embrase it, for life is precious and each one of you are Precious!

I have not had much time to sit and reflect and think about what I wanted to say. I need to get ready for work but want you all to know that you  are in my thoughts and I am looking forward to visiting you all in the New Year.

Have a wonderful and safe time as you celebrate the birth of the New Year. In closing I leave you with this little story called, "The Optimist". Love and Hugs! Dianne:)

The Optimist

The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimists, the hole.

                                           Quote by: McLandburgh Wilson


Their is a story of identical twins. One was a hope-filled optimist." Everything is coming up roses!" he would say. The other twin was a sad and hopeless pessimist. He thought that Murphy, as in Murphy's Law, was an optimist. The worried parents of the boys brought them to the local psychologist.

He suggested to the parents a plan to balance the twins' personalities. "On their next birthday, put them in separate rooms to open their gifts. Give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure." The parents followed these instructions and carefully observed the results.

When they peeked in on the pessimist, they heard him audibly complaining, " I don't like the color of this computer... I'll bet this calculator will break... I don't like the game... I know someone who's got a bigger toy car than this..."

Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in ther air. He was giggling, "You can't fool me! Where there is this much manure, there's got to be a pony!"

Source Unknown

Hope this year is kind to you all!  Blessings! Dianne :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Gift Of Love

Christmas is a gift of Love

that can't be bought or sold -

It's ours just for the asking,

and it's worth far more than gold ...

And this priceless gift of Christmas

is within the reach of all -

The rich, the poor, the young, the old,

the greatest and the small ...

So take God's Christmas gift of Love -

reach out and you receive -

And the only payment that God asks

is just that you believe.

Written by Helen Steiner Rice

I hope you are all warm and comfy and safe on this cold and stormy Night as a major storms hits many areas across Canada and United States of America.

I also hope to find you all well and free from all the colds and flu that has been going round.

I myself have just recouperated from a nasty cold and flu that knocked me down for a little over a week.

I am back to work and preparing for The Christmas Season as I am sure you all are as well.

As busy as we all get this time of year, my deepest hope and desire is that I stay focused on The Reason for the Season and what Christmas is all about.

Christmas is as much about receiving as it is about giving. Some may think that is selfish and backwards to the True Meaning Of Christmas. But when you really think about it, God Gave us His Son and He wants each one of us to Receive , His Gift Of Love . That's what it is all about.

Yes! Lets celebrate Jesus Birthday and Give and Receive from God and from those we Love and Cherish. Lets also go beyond and Love our Neigbors and those we meet by chance.

I share from my heart this night and I wish each and every one who reads this and those who don't a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

I hope to be back between now and Christmas but if something happens that I don't, just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers .

I also want to thank all of you who visit my space and leave your comments and input and all those wonderful photos and graphics you decorate my guestbook with. You all brighten my space and my life.

Your Friend Dianne :)


I am back and doing much better. Thankyou for your thoughtfulness and well wishes. This blog was never ment to be about me . It is ment to be about Jesus, " The Savior of the world",  to all who believe and receive Him. There was no room for Him in the inn but we can make room for Jesus in our hearts.

Hope you all are doing well as we prepare to celebrate "The Christmas Season" ( Jesus' Birthday), and soon to bring in the New Year.

All the Best to you and your families.

xx's Dianne :)

A New Year In The Journey Of Life


November At The Pond_ Remnants Of First Snowfall

The Pond By The Bay

This photo was taken a year ago at the pond by The Bay, which is right across from My Special Place. Those who know me well know what I am talking about. Some of my fondest moments in 2009 were along the waterfront trail which I so often shared through my photos and writing in my blogs.

This past year has been good in so many ways. Yes there were many times when I didn’t no what was around the corner on my path. The road on my journey in the past year was sometimes smooth and other times it was pretty rough. There were disappointments and there were times of rejoicing. There were times of sadness and joy. There were times of stress and times of relaxation. And I could go on and on.

In the last year or so I thought I was going to loose both my mom and my dad. My mom and dad both recovered and are doing okay at the moment even though they both have major health issues. God seen us through this past year and also Blessed us in so many ways.

I am so thankful that I never walk alone on my journey of life. The one who gave me life, never left me. My Lord and Creator walks with me daily. Some would say He is a crutch and that I am strong enough to do it on my own. Maybe I am or maybe I’m not, but I am not about to try. I have done both, but the journey is much more pleasant and easy with The Lord in my heart and by my side. I know that if the time comes when I am too weary along life’s Journey, He will carry me.

So I will reflect on this past year and then say goodbye. I will not wish it away as life is too short and the years tend to fly by. I am thankful for God’s provision and all His Blessings He bestowed upon me and my family and friends this past year. I will continue to walk in His Grace for the remainder of this year and the one to come and as many years as He gives me on this earth.

So bring on the New Year. I have no great expectations , nor New Year’s Resolutions. Come what may, I will continue to walk with Jesus and put my trust in Him alone. He is my Rock and Salvation.

I fully expect the road to be smooth in places and very rough in places as well. I am happy and looking forward as I continue along life’s Journey as I welcome another year of my life. Thank you for being a part of my life and being my friend. That is one of the great joys in my life. To have friends and family. I am truly Blessed.

Best Wishes to All of you my Friends for A Happy and Healthy New Year, filled with Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and so much more. May God pour His Grace upon each and every one of you.

I will finish this blog with this Poem.

Love and Hugs

Dianne :)

A New Year With The Lord

A new year is about to unfold
With new opportunities to explore
Doors will open for new experiences
New adventures with the Lord
Remember not the former things
The things of this past year
The Lord will do new things in us
Much more than we are aware
For He will make a way for us
As we put our trust in Him
And He will guide our every step
By His presence we have within
What God has placed within our hearts
We find we’ll be able to do
If we look for the opportunities
We’ll see the door to go through
We mustn’t let anything hold us back
But rise up and take our place
And be all that God wants us to be
With a fresh touch of His grace
© By M.S.Lowndes

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