
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Gift Of Love

Christmas is a gift of Love

that can't be bought or sold -

It's ours just for the asking,

and it's worth far more than gold ...

And this priceless gift of Christmas

is within the reach of all -

The rich, the poor, the young, the old,

the greatest and the small ...

So take God's Christmas gift of Love -

reach out and you receive -

And the only payment that God asks

is just that you believe.

Written by Helen Steiner Rice

I hope you are all warm and comfy and safe on this cold and stormy Night as a major storms hits many areas across Canada and United States of America.

I also hope to find you all well and free from all the colds and flu that has been going round.

I myself have just recouperated from a nasty cold and flu that knocked me down for a little over a week.

I am back to work and preparing for The Christmas Season as I am sure you all are as well.

As busy as we all get this time of year, my deepest hope and desire is that I stay focused on The Reason for the Season and what Christmas is all about.

Christmas is as much about receiving as it is about giving. Some may think that is selfish and backwards to the True Meaning Of Christmas. But when you really think about it, God Gave us His Son and He wants each one of us to Receive , His Gift Of Love . That's what it is all about.

Yes! Lets celebrate Jesus Birthday and Give and Receive from God and from those we Love and Cherish. Lets also go beyond and Love our Neigbors and those we meet by chance.

I share from my heart this night and I wish each and every one who reads this and those who don't a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

I hope to be back between now and Christmas but if something happens that I don't, just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers .

I also want to thank all of you who visit my space and leave your comments and input and all those wonderful photos and graphics you decorate my guestbook with. You all brighten my space and my life.

Your Friend Dianne :)


I am back and doing much better. Thankyou for your thoughtfulness and well wishes. This blog was never ment to be about me . It is ment to be about Jesus, " The Savior of the world",  to all who believe and receive Him. There was no room for Him in the inn but we can make room for Jesus in our hearts.

Hope you all are doing well as we prepare to celebrate "The Christmas Season" ( Jesus' Birthday), and soon to bring in the New Year.

All the Best to you and your families.

xx's Dianne :)

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