
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oct.31,2009 My Trip To Pembroke To See My Dad (Archive)

DSCF4005 On The Road Again


I began my long trip along Hwy.41 to Pembroke, to see my dad last Sunday.

As beautiful as it is along the way, I don’t usually stop to take many photos if any at all.

It takes me about 8 hrs. round trip. That makes for a lot of driving and a very long day.

Some of the photos I will show you are taken with my little Fuji Camera. Others with my Canon.


HWY. 41


Autumn colours as I  drive Hwy. 41 along the Canadian Shield

You can run into all kinds of weather. Sun and blue sky to grey cloudy sky with rain or snow.

It did rain in parts along the way and then I was once again greeted by the sun and more blue sky.

DSCF4045 Along The Canadian Shield_Hwy.41


Driving along the Canadian Shield

DSCF4099 Hyw.41_Canadian Sheild

Driving through the Canadian Shield and more blue sky.


IMG_2735_The River Flows_Hwy 41


As I was driving, something caught my attention.

There are many lakes, rivers and streams along the way.

They are all so Beautiful and I stopped to take this picture.

It felt so good to have this moment and any stress or tiredness I may have felt was gone.

My soul was refreshed and I moved on. I knew it was going to be a good day .


IMG_2748 River Along Hwy 41-Pembroke


DSCF4184 Driveby


I thought of you Lisa when I drove by this farm. This one is for you. :)



I had a wonderful day with my dad at his home.

Yes he is still home and doing fairly well.

It was a day I won’t forget.  :)


IMG_2762 Ottawa River


Before I left to come home, I drove down to view the Ottawa River.

This place has so many memories for me. I grew up in this area as a little girl.

The sun was beginning to go down and there was a chill in the air.

Time to head home.


DSCF4224 The Long Ride Home


The drive home didn’t seem that long as I had so many thoughts going through my head,

and my heart was full of new treasures.

It was the best day I had with my dad in a very long time.

I hope you enjoyed this part of my journey.

Thank you for coming along , and for all your prayers and support for my dad and I.

God is still working in us as we walk in His Grace.

Love and Hugs

Dianne (dsphotocats) :)

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